Chloe @ WEB

The website is under construction, ok?
Some stuff might not work.. >-<

Welcome to my little corner of the web :D

Hello World!

Name: Chloe
Age: 17
Nacionality: Portuguese
Pronouns: She/Her
Languages Spoken: English, Portuguese & Japanese (learning)

About me:

Hiya! I'm Chloe!
I'm a 17 year old, art student, who is currently living in a not so cool place, Portugal.
I don't do much with my life besides program, game, sleep, draw and ocassionaly going out with my girlfriend,
whom I love very much and want to stay with forever :3

I'm currently getting back into programming so this website may not be the greatest or the coolest!! LUL!! But
It works, and that's what matters isn't it?